Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Climate change dominoes & the lowline

Over the years, loyal readers, you'll notice the blog has changed a bit. I used to just focus on individual projects, mine and others. But these days there's a lot to talk about on the macro scale. And I prefer that, to be truthful, it's nice to discuss things which effect us all.

Case in point how climate change is changing living infrastructure. I think this may become a regular feature of mine.

Some experts have asserted that drought conditions, brought about by climate change, are partially responsible for increased movement of people in affected regions, as people both seek resources peacefully and violently. Even in peaceful parts of the world, climate change is effecting housing development. Which means, it could increase the amount of vegetation...if a developer decide that it isn't worth their time to erect structures there the plants remain. There are so many questions which arise from this. If one cannot build further away from cities for people to commute, does that mean there will be less vacant lots, maybe even parks, with in city limits? Will less green in the urban environment mean more stressed out people, as strong correlations have been drawn between the amount of plants around human beings and their level of stress?
Will this mean more creative uses for underground space...like the Lowline?

We live in very interesting times!

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