Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Insert green roof here"

From the mind of artist Shatia Jackson, comes the "insert____here" tag. To make your own tag, head to sponsor and encourage others to take some community action.

-Those in Britain could probably use a few of these signs. Even better than the headline is how the Guardian calls out the government from the very top with the line "...the green infrastructure partnership has no financial backing but has cross-government support and backing of influential groups." Question, if you are going to support green roofs but not provide backing, why just make it a 2 year push? Why not an infinite one as there is no money involved??? On the bright side, it is good for green roofs to have support. But realistically, money speaks louder than words. Best line of the article? The environment minister proclaiming that green roofs really have lots of benefits and are not "airy fairy". Aye!

-For those interested in fermented foods, Sandor is your man. Not only is he constantly criss-crossing the US on speaking engagements, but he also has a gift for cheeky ways to make fermentation cool, with phrases like "Sandorkraut", "fermentation fetishist" and "fermentation revivalist".

-Website of the week goes to Fruitipedia. Impress your friends with your knowledge of, say, durian or one of the other 424 fruits covered.

-And lastly, Canada's most dangerous city (according to Maclean's in 2010...and I would have never have guessed!) sees some promise in urban gardening.

1 comment:

  1. It's a cool way to get people aware of green roofs. It would take some effort, though, to change the tag when people get around to putting up those bits of nature up there! Well, it's all good since those tags look visually appealing.
