Monday, January 2, 2012

Download a free aquaponics book + Book Review - Aquaponic Gardening

As someone who has involved in the still developing world of living architecture, it is amazing to see the industry constantly evolving and new offshoots developing. Case in point, aquaponics. Although some would argue that not all aquaponic systems could fall under the umbrella of living architecture, if the system were integrated into the home, I believe it would be. So I am claiming it and verticiel has begun experimenting with systems of our own. But more about that in a few weeks...

The book Aquaponic Gardening by Sylvia Bernstein really is a step-by-step guide, as is claimed, to raising fish and vegetables together. Sylvia is definitely qualified to call herself an expert and could've written the book by herself, but she got other experts in the field to contribute, edit, and proofread, making it truly worth buying.
It starts slowly and building quickly, with chapters covering everything from what aquaponics is, to everything ones needs to know to start and maintain a do it yourself system. And she really does covers everything, from lighting to plumbing in great detail and includes a list of mistakes she's made and what to consider before trying aquaponics commercially. Plus you get color photos! What's not to love?

Oh yes, if you'd like more aquaponics information, here's a free download chock full of info, from one of the industry leaders.

1 comment:

  1. Aquaponics is becoming increasingly popular, so it's hardly surprising when eBooks such as "Aquaponics 4 You" sell like there's no tomorrow.
