Monday, June 3, 2013

All the fruit trees in the US and Canada

If you're a non-European and you've been in the green roof industry for a while, no doubt you've heard a lot about Germany and how many green roofs it has. Here are some fantastic aerials views of one town in particular, Wohldorf-Ohlstedt, posted by a blogger who attended the International Green Roof Congress last month.

-One of the challenges of the internet is deciphering what is worth your time perusing and what is not. If you like fruit, the Falling Fruit website, is worth your time. Building off the pioneering mapping work of Fallen Fruit, which they did by canvassing the neighborhood, Falling Fruit utilizes public databases and catalogs hundreds of thousands (!) of fruit trees across North America and beyond. The honey locust seems to be the most popular tree. I'm nominating this for website of the year!

-Here's a great article about a horticultural therapy program which provides therapeutic activities for refugees and immigrants.

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