Sunday, January 22, 2012

Of compost cuisine and Qatar conservation

-While reading an article about compost cuisine the other day, I thought how much dining out has changed.
Ten years ago a vegan restaurant made some people utterly confused. Now, it's not the most "far out" out there; there are gluten free restaurants, raw restaurants, restaurants that serve only cereal (!), and now restaurants which use every last bit of what they buy. Truly sustainable restaurants. What's the next food frontier? Perhaps "feel good" restaurants... a restaurant which donates all of it's proceeds to a partner organization??? Wouldn't that be great?

-Seattle University's school farm produced and donated 7,000 pounds of food last year. With a $100,000 grant, they'll be able to grow a whole lot more.

-A few weeks ago I wrote a bit about Qatar buying farmland abroad and exploration into aquaponics. Connecting the dots a bit, I wonder could this need for viable farmland far from home make a country like Qatar more supportive of global conservation, because degradation could be seen as a national security threat? Could we see a country like Qatar be the first to link currency to natural capital?

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