Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August roundup - green roofs, urban agriculture, green architecture

As the east coast hurricane leaves us and we bid adieu to the end of August, here are a few more stories which caught my eye:

-Faith based groups have often lead the way in change. In Madison, Wisconsin the Holy Wisdom Monastery is the undisputed leader.

-St. Lawrence University has just launched Canada's first Sustainable Local Food Certificate for this fall.

-Here's a fantastic article about what President Obama can do to help fight the recession utilizing urban farming.

-What is the capacity of NYC for urban crop production, green roofs and what are the potential benefits of urban agriculture in NYC? Columbia University's urban design lab has the answers.

And lastly, there are a couple of ways for North Americans to get involved in their city with living architecture.

-In Montreal a working group needs 15,000 signatures on a paper petition by Nov. 8 to have a public consultation on the state of urban agriculture in Montreal.

-If you are an Atlanta resident you can help design an urban farm.

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