Saturday, December 11, 2010

Urban ag rewind

It’s been a while since the last posting, there’s a tremendous amount going on including a recent move. I have lots of good posts waiting in the wings, so let’s get to it.

-First up is your monthly financial post peak oil warning.

-The Atlantic has a tremendous story on the role five urban gardens are having in New Orleans. And Atlanta and Oaklandwill be getting new urban gardens as a result of some great collaborations and a little bit of dough.

-But small contributions and efforts can be important as well. I hope that more companies follow this one's example and use living walls to produce food for their employees and local food banks or give a small grant to start vocational training programs in urban agriculture or a local community garden none of the programs cost that much money, but the impact will be worth every dollar.

-And a quick job alert if you're in NY.

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