Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Urban agriculture...the global, the local, the wacky

My computer goes down and all of a sudden a million great things are happening around the world. But I'm back like Hawaii 5-0, so here are a few things that I've spied...

-On the global front, in South Africa , Argentina, China, and Brazil lots of news about how urban agriculture programs and projects can provide jobs and food for thousands of people.
Speaking of Brazil, that article was the most sarcastic one I've read in a while!!!

-Stateside, some investors have begun to favor farmland over stocks as an investment vehicle. Following the money thread, Forbes has an article where Weeden & Co.'s Charles Maxwell tells us how we can "profit" from peak oil.
And in a sign of things to come...let me stop there, because I couldn't keep a straight face. As we discovered last year, we know farmers sometimes destroy their crops, rather than bringing them to market. Has anyone ever heard of a farmer being sued for producing too much food?

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